Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Calculating Network Bandwidth On Exadata Compute Nodes and to check PORT availability (netcat)

Introduction: Calculating Network Bandwidth On Exadata Compute Nodes and to check PORT availability we can use "netcat".

Testing PORT availability:


1. Download and Install

[oracle@rac1-12c ~]$ chmod -R 777 netcat-0.7.1.tar.gz
[oracle@rac1-12c ~]$ tar -xvf netcat-0.7.1.tar.gz
[oracle@rac1-12c ~]$ cd netcat-0.7.1
[oracle@rac1-12c netcat-0.7.1]$ ./configure --prefix=/home/oracle/netcat
[oracle@rac1-12c netcat-0.7.1]$ make
[oracle@rac1-12c netcat-0.7.1]$ find . -name "netcat"
[oracle@rac1-12c ~]$ cd /home/oracle/netcat-0.7.1/src/
[oracle@rac1-12c src]$ ./netcat -l -t -p 1523

Note: Keep this window open and go to Node-2 check the sent message

[oracle@rac2-12c ~]$ chmod -R 777 netcat-0.7.1.tar.gz
[oracle@rac2-12c ~]$ tar -xvf netcat-0.7.1.tar.gz
[oracle@rac2-12c ~]$ cd netcat-0.7.1
[oracle@rac2-12c netcat-0.7.1]$
[oracle@rac2-12c netcat-0.7.1]$ ./configure --prefix=/home/oracle/netcat
[oracle@rac2-12c netcat-0.7.1]$ make
[oracle@rac2-12c netcat-0.7.1]$ cd src/
[oracle@rac2-12c src]$ pwd
[oracle@rac2-12c src]$ echo "hello" | ./netcat rac1-12c 1523

Note: You can see "hello" message in Node-1 so we can test same test from Node-1 also based on PORT.

Calculating Network Bandwidth On Exadata Compute Nodes:

Install nc (netcat) package on both the nodes either using yum or rpm via download.
# rpm -ivh nc-1.84-10.fc6.x86_64.rpm

Using nc utility start a receiver on a given port,  in this example it uses port# 6789 you need to ensure it is not 
an active port.

host01:  # nc -l 6789 > output

On the other compute node,  create a 1gb file and attempt to send it to the remote nc port on the remote node

# dd if=/dev/urandom of=input bs=1M count=1000 # ls -lah input # time nc host01 6789 < input 
From the above we can calculate the speed.

file size / real time  = megabytes per second

Finally when complete file will exist on the remote node, remember to remove the file and Ctrl  the nc (netcat) shell

Issue a Cntrl  in the nc shell # ls -lah output

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